Saturday, 15 September 2012

5. Pankaj Sharma

Surpassing the Tradition of Dissent with Voice of Vivekananda:
Think Globally, Act Locally

The paper ‘Surpassing the Tradition of Dissent with Voice of Vivekananda: Think Globally, Act Locally’ tries to find out the reasons for cross-culture dissent and tries to find out the solution for  universal harmony in cultures, in light of discourse of Swami Vivekananda–the Cyclonic Monk of India. The paper in its process, shall try to work out on the importance of Glocalism in today’s Globalized world. The real cause behind the cross-culture barriers, as suggested by Swami Vivekananda, is nothing else but the absence of the local in the global. Swami Vivekananda in his discourses at the World Parliament of Religions –Chicago, had convinced the followers of each culture not because of universality of his native religion but by his adaptability to other religions through his own religion. The paper shall also deal with the socio-linguistic, historical, political and cultural reasons responsible for the dissent. The narrow or one-sided vision of religion that is excelling cause of the dissent among cultures shall also be discussed. In short, the paper, through the discourse of Swami Vivekananda shall try to explore out –how the tradition of dissent can be surpassed.

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