Wednesday, 19 September 2012

42. Dr. V Vasanthakumari

Abstract 42                                                                                                                                             DCL CLAI 2012
Dr. V Vasanthakumari                                                                          



The unity in Vedantic thought is underlying the apparent diversity of race religion, language, philosophy, art and custom in the life of Indian people. Man has to begin from his own Self, the cosmic spirit is to be realized within one’s own being that is the true import of adhyātma which in fact is the most solid foundation of Indian culture. Vedic ideals of ‘world as one single nest’ (“yatra viswam  bhavatyekanidam ) and  the vedic concept of ‘togetherness and co operation (Samgaccadhvam samvadadhvam) are in fact even deeper and wider  in approach.
The aim of human life which the people are inspired to pursue, determines the fundamental dimension of their culture. Culture is the totality of life, inclusive of philosophy, religion, art, science as well as the human relationships. In Sanskrit, the term for culture is ‘Samskriti’ which signifies the sum total of human efforts that are purified and refined. ‘Culture’ has been defined as “transformation of the uncultivated to the cultivated humanity, the concretization of the possible system of human aspiration.  By assuming culture as one large sphere to which all others belong as sub spheres, with regard to that global sphere are posited the universally valid concepts and criteria. It is necessary to examine what exactly is the aim of life proposed by Advaita Vedanta and how it can influence the right direction of the Indian culture. The ideas of Advaita Vedanta   are not only depicted in communal synthesis but also accepted that all religious paths are right and they also lead to the same ultimate Reality.
                This paper discusses  some fundamental  elements of Indian Culture reflected in Advaita Vedanta  that are universal in character and could provide a powerful and solid base to a new world order in the coming millennium.

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