Thursday, 20 September 2012

72. Dr. Jerome K. Jose

Abstract 72
Dr. Jerome K. Jose     
Divergent Voices and  Epistemological Interests:
 New Dimensions of Muduvan Oratures,
This paper is an endeavor to uphold the relevance of divergent voices in the wake of new epistemological interests, with the help of select Muduvan tribal oratures.  The original ‘oral texts’ (collected directly from the field and translated) of the Muduvans, who live on the submits of the Western Ghats of the Kerala-Tamil Nadu border, are under consideration to argue and to elucidate that it is high time the academics should shift their centre of focus from ‘mainstream and elite written texts’ to hegemonic cultures and distant voices to expound and to expand literary canon. A close comparative reading is envisaged here to open the contours of different ‘poetics’ and to bring them to the forefront. Such an attempt reveals that the mainstream artistic creations actually dissents with the ‘oral texts’ to safeguard certain vested interests- a different manifestation of colonial spearheading in literature and literary studies. The present paper focuses on the hidden/open interests of the epistemological interests via hitherto unexplored Muduvan Oratures as a case study to discourse upon the above said points.

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