Thursday, 20 September 2012

95. Jamshad Ali PT

Abstract 94
Jamshad Ali P T   
A K Ramanujan's poem “Ecology” depicts ecocritical perspective
The poem “Ecology” by A K Ramanujan depicts ecocritical  perspective. Here the poet presents  the conflict between  anthropocentric view and bio-centric view. The narrator upholds  anthropocentric view while the mother upholds bio-centric view. Here  the narrator plans to cut the Champak tree which gives migraine for  his mother. Though the Champak tree creates problem for the mother,  she doesn't allow him to cut the tree : “wet as the cold pack on her  dead; would not let us cut down;a flowering tree”. This shows the  bio-centric view of the mother. For her the migraine is nothing in  compared to the amount of flowers that is obtained every season. Many  poets have been glorified nature through their poems. But what makes  this poem differ from other poems is that here poet makes clear  criticism on Champak tree and helps the readers to reach a conclusion.  Here  Ramanujan examines the negative and positive sides of the  chempak tree and makes an awareness in the minds of the readers about  the importance of conservation of the tree.  

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