Saturday, 15 September 2012

14: Dr. Tanushree Nayak

14: Abstract: Dr. Tanushree Nayak 

A Reading of Dissent in the Poems of Sampurna Chattarji and Pratibha Satpathy in Comparative Perspective

Sampurna Chattarji , a contemporary Indian woman poet writing in English and Pratibha Satpathy, a contemporary Indian woman poet writing in Odiya express dissent shrouded in fear , hope and despair. Poetry as a tool of transformation and transgression keeps up the spirit of mankind. The paper will compare and contrast the two poets and bring to light a yearning for dissent in two different levels. Chattarji works it out in material level whereas Satpathy works out the same which has been fluctuating in spiritual level. As life is comprised of both the aspects there is close correspondence between the two. The paper in a synchronic process will also discuss some of the Indian women poets writing both in English and Odiya who have been projecting the same in clear terms. With note of dissent both the poets hint at an alternative world which could be lived in bypassing tradition and taboo.  

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