Saturday 22 September 2012

117: A.Senthilvel

Abstract 117: A.Senthilvel

 Feminine Quest in Margaret Atwood’s surfacing and Anita Desai’s Cry, The peacock.

Canada and India are free, independent states with ethnic population producing diversity in everything.  Nations and individuals have to consciously indulge in the process of self-discovery and self-definition, Canada and India ware colonies nations. So the experiences of both the countries will be the same Margaret Atwood has been regarded one of the prominent pioneers in the history of Canadian Literature, Beings a modern and contemporary women novelist, Anita Desai portrayed powerful women.  Many writers have awakened the worldwide female consciousness about feminize issues and women’s identity as wife, mother, daughter etc.  Desai’s novels reflect the true picture of the women in society as well as in the family.  Atwood’s writings focus the women in the Canadian society his paper deals with how the women protagonists of the two novels experience their power role of woman, as a woman, daughter, wife and mother. The emergence of the character of woman in literature is a recurring failure of the twentieth century fiction. Both the novelists try to portray the Divided women’ who long for love.  And they focus their attention on the domestic experience of home makers and happy married life the nameless Heroine and Maya try to overcome, their familial problems and to attain their true identity.

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